Leveling the playing field for equal opportunity, economic power, independent living, & inclusive communities.
"A rising tide lifts all boats.”
We hope these tools help increase Person-Driven accommodations by providing more people with concrete strategies to get technology into the hands of people with I/DD.
We teach iPads as an accommodation tool because they are accessible to a larger number of processing needs than other smart screen devices at this time. Over the years, we have learned that purchase and integration can be a challenge in our service systems. We hope you find these helpful.
Please download and use by clicking on the icons below:

Justification Letter
- outlining the benefits of an iPad as an accommodation tool with specific spaces to detail individual needs / benefits to bring for physician signature and submit to insurance / Medicaid
iPad Set Up 2024
- Visual walk through of set up and menus of an iPad. Great for new users!

Ideas for how to get started
- Summary of the spirit of the ADA and Tech Access Laws and Ideas for 1st Steps

Sample Silly Movies
- We find making Silly Movies to be a great way for EVERYONE to learn how to use an iPad. We start by taking crazy photos in PhotoBooth, download them into iMovie and teach a few editing features each lesson. These apps teach every way to touch a device for all other apps. People have so much fun, they don't even know they are building tech skills !!

Make more than one- explore other apps, like Notability, to create an ending bio or credit page!
* WE ARE APPLE USERS- the PDF versions here are available to everyone. Our Keynote versions have embedded screen recordings to provide samples and demonstrate editing tools, please reach out if you’d like copies in Keynote.
* Note that we have Creative Commons Copyright on all of our materials.
- You are welcome to use and share the content, when keeping us cited as the author
- You are welcome to build on our ideas, as long as you cite us as the author of the original idea
- You can not get paid to teach our work