Leveling the playing field for equal opportunity, economic power, independent living, & inclusive communities.
Communication Evaluation & Training:
Individual consult and group training for teams supporting people who are non-linguistic (without a formal language system).
Corporate Consultation:
Support to create and pilot strategies that mirror your corporate mission, to implementing affirmative hiring initiatives. Standard Operating Procedures: support to develop positions, guidance on laws governing disclosure of disability in advertising positions, coordination of service agencies, staff training, process and forms strengthening employer management of hiring and supervising employees with disabilities, data collection through cost analysis and return on investment, where math breaks the myths, project overview film, and training film series to support sustainable scalable model.
Deaf, Hard of Hearing & Deaf-Blind Specialist:
Consultation to teams working and playing with children and adults.
Successful teaming, tools and planning for transitioning out of segregated sites and institutions.
Employer Engagement:
Designing collaborative programs with employers to increase inclusive hiring practices that strengthen business outcomes. Training employment service teams in successful business model strategies and tools.
Expert Witness:
Working with legal teams in cases reviewing appropriate educational and vocational accommodations for children and adults with disAbilities.
Innovative Low/High Tech Accommodations:
iPads, Apps: Low & High Tech solutions for work, community and residential settings.
Person Centered Planning:
A facilitated meeting to gather information, set goals and plan follow through.
Planning for Change:
Guided planning to incorporate change within a business or agency focusing on employment first strategies and outcomes, increased access through accommodation, and person centered services.
If you are contracted with WA State DDA or County DD, you may request technical assistance via your Case Manager or County Coordinator. There is an application process.
If you have any questions you may contact us directly.